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Fabula for SwiftUI

Fabula for SwiftUI

The formalism used the concept

  • 类型:软件开发工具
  • 评分:5.00
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 语言: "EN", "JA", "KO"
  • 星级:
  • 上传者:Gyeong Seop No
  • 更新时间:2024-02-27 11:51:42

The formalism used the concepts of fabula and syuzhet as a way to develop narrative construction or classified materials and compositions into fabula and syuzhet, respectively. The totality of microscopic events listed in causality was called a fabula, and the narrative arrangement of these motifs in an artistic way was called a syuzhet. This app is a personal project to learn the technical ingredients of SwiftUI and derive creative results.

SwiftUI is a user interface toolkit that can develop applications in a declarative manner. This is a modern development method that communicates to iOS how you want the user interface to behave and finds out how users perform when interacting with the interface. In addition, SwiftUI can develop macOS, watchOS, and tvOS with the same code as well as iOS development. The most appealing thing for me personally is that it is easy to learn and that the code is concise, making it easy for beginners to understand. I hope this project will help everyone, including myself, to understand SwiftUI. The code of this project will be updated regularly.

You can share and communicate with developers around the world through the Fabula app. We always look forward to the participation of developers.

- Added items.
- Fixed a bug.
- Improved performance and stability.

相关TAG: 教育 软件开发工具


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