
当前位置: 热点攻略网效率
小时+小时             时间聚合专用计算器

小时+小时 时间聚合专用计算器

- Big Keys, easy to touch.- Ea

  • 类型:效率
  • 评分:0.00
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 语言: "EN", "FR", "DE", "JA", "KO", "ZH", "ES"
  • 星级:
  • 上传者:Mitsugu Yamagata
  • 更新时间:2024-01-22 15:32:01

- Big Keys, easy to touch.

- Easy Time Input saves your time.

- History feature helps you revise data, and re-calculate.

- Best tool for pilot's flight time calculation.

For example,

1 hour 23 minutes + 7 minutes + 2 hours 5 minutes = 3 hours 35 minutes

Just type \"1\

Apple 已更新此 App 以显示 Apple?Watch App 图标。

- History of entries is available.
- After revising data in history of entries, re-calculation is available.
- Banner advertisement is added.

相关TAG: 工具 效率


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